
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Lovely old lady.

Steam yacht Vita
laying off the seawall at Wivenhoe,this yacht was originally called Argosy

Thursday, November 19, 2015

This is good even i get a breif showing .

Wivenhoe advert short video you might like this!!

More boats with their silver harvest.

More sprat boats at Brightlingsea.

I love sprats.

Sprat boats unloading their catch on the hard at Brightlingsea.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Wivenhoe hero.

A Wivenhoe Man who fought at the battle of Trafalgar and is buried in Wivenhoe churchyard.

These look like old yachts.

Old sailing yachts on the colne at Wivenhoe..

loved those old sprats.

The North Sea Canning Company owned two of these boats CK54 and CK59, called the Fisher Girl and the Essex Girl. the Company canned sprats and sold them under the trade name of Fisher Girl brisling.  In the summer they canned chickens.  The owner was Lewis Worsp who lived next door on the Quay.

Pity it burnt down in 1927.

Wivenhoe Hall a fine mansion which burnt down in 1927 and is now the King George 1v playing fields.

From little acorns.!!

J.James and co  before they becames James and Stone Brightlingsea,  Yacht ,Sailing smack, Sailing Barges and boat builders. date 1925-1946

Friday, November 13, 2015

Before they invented the motor car and ruined everything

Wivenhoe High St. taken in 1905.

Before Health and Safety too - look at the angle of that ladder !

Plenty of dob dobing there.

Wivenhoe scout troup date unknown.

Football stars

Brightlingsea Secondary School football team 1947, second row seated 3rd.from left Ken Green.
Back row l-r Chinkey Norton form master ,  Maurice Green,  far rightMr. Palmer head master.
 photo Carl Amos.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Never seen this one before .

Wivenhoe Salvation Army brass band c. 1911 not sure where this photo was taken.
Photo by Carl Amos.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Soon dry that out with a towel

Floods at Wivenhoe in the 1970's before the barrier these were common place.

Bet they sold nice beer then

The Flag Inn ,Colchester road, Wivenhoe ,the original building on the left was built in 1795.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

This was once the village Square.

Anchor Hill showing the old Bull pub with a greengrocers shop attached to the front and Cracknell's bakery behind .  The other building in the picture is the Red lion pub.

Monday, November 2, 2015

It's a wonder the Quay never collapsed

Wivenhoe regatta in the 1930's, the whole village must have been there.

One of the famous Green family.

James Samuel Green of Wivenhoe ,youngest petty officer in the Royal Navy , married to Miss Dora Wilson at Greenhithe ,Kent.  James served on the warship Edward V11.

the good old days.

Wivenhoe port when it was still open in 1984