
Friday, October 24, 2014

That went down with a bang

WivenhoeFactory Refused.

June 1909 At Lexden and Winstree Session The Nitro Compounds Co.Ltd applied for the licensing of a proposed Explosives factory at Wivenhoe.
It was opposed by Mr. C. E. Gooch of Wivenhoe Park ; Mr. Barlow of Wivenhoe Hall, The Great Eastern Railway and the Town Clerk of Colchester.
Mr. Robert Moore, secretary of the company, said there was no danger of explosion .  The Wivenhoe public were in favour of the factory.

Alderman E.J. Sanders, chairman of the Colne oyster fisheries,said he regarded with great Apprehension  any factory which might  discharge noxious fluid into the Colne.

The bench refused the application.

Essex Newsman, Saturday June 5th 1909.

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