
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wivenhoe Workhouse.

April 17th 1759.

Agreed between John Chamberlain and the overseers and Church wardens, that John Chamberlain be paid the sum of £2-00 quarterly as wages and a further sum of of seven shillings quarterly for soap, pins needles, laces etc. and a further one shilling each week per person that is put in the Workhouse for their board and doth agree to find them with good wholesome food and wash and mend their clothes for them and also make clothes for them.

John Chamberlain to have their work or earnings for himself.
The overseers to supply him with five chaldrons of coal and three loads of wood per year.
This agreement is binding for one year.  signed John Chamberlain.

Witness.  William Rust, George Hall, Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University.
John Sanford.

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