
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Wivenhoe Congregational church

This is a photo of Chris Damp's inauguration as minister of Wivenhoe Congregational Church in the late 1980s. Although I recognise many of the faces (I was a regular weekly attendee at the church as a child) I can't name that many people, however, I think I can see:

Chris is standing in the doorway, without the beard. On his right is, I think, Pat (whose surname escapes me). On his left, the older lady with glasses is Miss Potter, for many years church organist. I remember her running the choir and the Sunday school. Next to Miss Potter is Albert Nunn, my grandad, who was a lay preacher at the church in the 1990s. Bert's wife, Beryl, is in the front row with the natty pink handbag. 

On the left of the photo: I can see Sarah, in the yellow dress, who helped out with Sunday school and the Guides. To Sarah's left, in the turquoise dress and standing by the door is Joan, née Potter, and her sister, Barbara Donohoe, standing just behind the woman in red.
Left click on image for super size.
Thanks to Helen Barrell for photo and text.
 The lady seated at the front (far right) wearing a necklace is Mabel Hillyard, a life long member of the Congregational Church in Wivenhoe. Thanks Nick.


Nick Sheen said...

The lady seated at the front (far right) wearing a necklace is Mabel Hillyard, a life long member of the Congregational Church in Wivenhoe.

Sherin said...

I really enjoyed reading this article, and found it quite informative. And especially the part about the popularity of the heritage brass. Thanks for sharing! I generally prefer heritage brass to heritage brass and would recommend it to all.