
Friday, November 7, 2014

Water water every where!

The high tide at wivenhoe before the barrier was built,so this must be about 1990.George manager and his wife were from the Newcastle area.

 I remember it flooding like that on my first walk to Wivenhoe near the end of October 1990 - before the barrier was completed. As I went to the sea wall footpath a bloke warned me that it would be a high Autumn tide, but it didn't look that bad so I carried on (oops! I had just arrived here as a green young student) - on the way back the same bloke offered to give me a piggy (declined) back over Bethany Street (and I am convinced it was the local legend Billy the Fish). The water on the front was higher than on your picture, but a couple of local kids were enjoying trying to ride their bikes through it! Cheers. Hazel
left click on image for super size.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember it flooding like that on my first walk to Wivenhoe near the end of October 1990 - before the barrier was completed. As I went to the sea wall footpath a bloke warned me that it would be a high Autumn tide, but it didn't look that bad so I carried on (oops! I had just arrived here as a green young student) - on the way back the same bloke offered to give me a piggy (declined) back over Bethany Street (and I am convinced it was the local legend Billy the Fish). The water on the front was higher than on your picture, but a couple of local kids were enjoying trying to ride their bikes through it! Cheers. Hazel x